The project

A low-impact high-voltage underground cable system

Greenconnector is a bi-directional HVDC interconnector project between Italy (Lombardy) and Switzerland (Graubünden).
The design power is 1000 MW, with continuous overload at 1100 MW and peak overload at 1200 MW. The DC voltage is +/-400 kV DC. Greenconnector uses underground and submarine DC cables throughout its route, rather than overhead lines. Great part of the cables route will exploit a section of an existing oil pipeline, no longer in service.

News & Events


Oct 22

TYNDP 2022

Greenconnector has been included, as part of the future European electricity grid, in the 2022 ENTSO-E's Ten Year Network Development Plan.

More information are available in the Greenconnector project sheet.


Nov 21

Inclusion in the Fifth PCI List

Greenconnector is one of the critical energy infrastructure projects included in the Fifth list of Projects of Common Interest (PCIs).

PCIs are indispensable for the achievement by the European Union (EU) of its ambitious climate and energy policy objectives.


Jun 17

"Good Practice of the Year" award ceremony

The Greenconnector project has been selected by the Renewables Grid Initiative "Good Practice of the Year" award jury as one of the favourite practices in the "Environmental Protection" category.

As a relevant and applaudable practice, Greenconnector appears in the award brochure that has been presented at the award ceremony at the European Energy Infrastructure Forum in Copenhagen on June 1, 2017.